Jacey did a great job on her talk. She practiced over and over till she had it all memorized. Then when we went up to the podium, she crouched down to hide and motioned her finger for me to come towards her. She said, "Mom I don't want to do this". I told her that we would do it together. She finished her talk perfectly and did a great job. You wouldn't think it if you knew Jacey, but she is the most shy in our family.
GREAT BLOGGING, Val! Oh how I love seeing my Oregon family on the blog. With us so far apart, the pictures are so special to us.
Ma Sparks
Jacey - You're such a big girl! I miss you. -Aunt Lulu
Hey you! I'm so glad you did a blog so we can see your cute kids! I need to call you and catch up, we miss you guys. Seeing those pictures made me miss Oregon a little, as long as it's not raining. :) Poor Gunner, I can't believe he broke his arm.
Oh my gosh! i can't believe how grown up your kids are!! they are sooo cute!! I'm glad you got a blog now.. i think celynda told me she helped you why you were down here visiting!
Jacey is a little version of you Val! I can't believe Jacey is old enough to give a talk in church!
How cute. Your kids are growing up sooo fast! I'm glad that you started a blog so that we can stay in touch better. I see your sister all the time in the halls at church and she looks so much like you, it's crazy. We miss you guys! Come visit again!
Well, look what I stumbled upon in my blog stalking! I haven't seen you all in over 2 years! Your family is beautiful, and I am glad to read a little about you guys! Now maybe I will join the blogging world...someday...
I am SO excited you found me because I am adding you to mine so that I can check you guys out! How are you? I haven't seen you in forever. You look as beautiful as ever and what cute kiddos you have. 4 huh? Well you are almost as crazy as me.So good to hear from you. How's Wendy? I haven't seen her in years and years. Blogs are such a fun thing. I love how they keep you connected.
Oh my heck! How cute are you and your kids? Tell me you dont have 4 kids? I want the name of your therapist and the name of the medication you are on. Ha just kidding. I would LOVE to know how you do it? I have 2 boys and I am CRAZY buzy all the time. Candi
It was so good to see you and your cute family...I'm glad we can keep in touch even if it is only through blogs or facebook (are you on FB?) Go to thomsenfive.blogspot.com and leave me a comment with your e-mail address and then I'll send you an invite to my new blog. Talk to you again soon:) Love ya !!!
I just found your blog! I noticed that I had a comment I hadn't read on our blog, and it was from you guys. So good to hear from you, what a cute cute family you have. Let us know if you ever are coming are way, we would love to hang out and catch up! Buck and Trachel
This is the first time I have looked at your blog!!! It is great to keep up with your fmaily this way!! Thanks for commenting. I can't believe how big your kids are! Crazy...way ahead of me!
Hey girl! I ran into your mom and dad at church today they were babysitting Billy's kids. They were so nice I herd you were pregnant with 5th baby I am happy for you! Candi
Hi Valerie,
My name is Toynette and I grew up in Winslow. My mother EvaLou Wright has been trying to find your grandmother Diana she would love to visit with her. Her old number had been disconnected. I found your name through your dads obit. I am sorry for your loss. My mom just needs to talk to her old friend she misses her. Thanks so much you have a beautiful family and now I am excited to build a blog for mine. My e-mail is toytanner@hotmail and my moms # is 435-259-7064 she is in Utah
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